Highlighting Older Posts: Part II - Artists

This week, I’ve decided on artists and really struggled to choose just 3 to highlight.

Why only 3, I hear you ask – because if I didn’t limit myself, I’d have included all the artists I’ve blogged about so far.

Viktor Vasnetsov was a Russian artist, best known for his art featuring Russian fairy tales, and history.

‘A Knight at the Crossroads’ (1878) by Viktor Vasnetsov

Lucy Elizabeth Kemp-Welch was an English artist whose art focussed on horses.

‘Horses Bathing in the Sea’ (1899) by Lucy Elizabeth Kemp-Welch

Briton Riviére, another English artist, was known for his paintings centring on animals.

‘Daniel’s Answer to the King’ (1890) by Briton Riviére

If you’re not familiar with these artists, I hope you enjoy their work.