A 'Journal with Me' Moment...

2022 Journal - start of May layout

This week, I thought I’d share a couple of journal layouts in my ‘2022’ journal.

I’ve neglected my journaling somewhat and I’m a couple of months behind, having just finished April!

So, after I’d recorded the video, I discovered there’d been a bit of a hiccup.

I always do a little test to make sure the audio and video are ok before I start the actual recording.

Everything seemed fine, but when I played the first part of it, there was no sound!

Colour me unimpressed.

I couldn’t re-record it as I’d already done the layout.

Having never done a voiceover for a video before, I gave it a go and, long story short, it worked.

The first part of the video has the voiceover, but the last part ‘magically’ had my voice on the original recording, so I left that as it was.

Anyway, the first layout, features our baby kitty sporting her highly unimpressed look – she wanted her food, but I was in the middle of a craft thing, so told her to wait a minute.

For the next layout, I wanted more room than just the envelope that was there, so glued a book page to the envelope.

That idea is thanks to Johanna Clough.

2022 Journal - first page of May, blank square on the right is for journaling

2022 Journal - 2nd page for May, double layout; journaling on the back of ‘horse’ card behind the photo on the left

I didn’t take photos of the procedure, but it’s all in the video, if you want to see how I put it together.