Hyper Japan 2019 Pt.2 - Sword and Book

A follow-up to last week’s post as Gordon and I received more loot in the post!

‘Found: Kobe-Japan’ by Stefan Jennings and Jane Kelly

First, the book, which contains images from an old photo album that had been salvaged from a load of stuff thrown out as part of a house clearance. It’s called ‘Found’ and is chock-full of images and poetry. Jane kindly posted it to me, wrapped in a promotional newspaper.

‘Found: Kobe-Japan’ promotional newspaper
‘Found: Kobe-Japan’ promotional newspaper, inside
‘Found: Kobe-Japan’ promotional newspaper, back

If you want to know more about the project, you can contact Stefan Jennings at stefan.a.jennings@gmail.com, or Jane Kelly at barkingdogs@btinternet.com

The sword, Frostmourne. I am so glad it was posted to Gordon and he didn’t have to lug it home on public transport! It is big and heavy. But oh, so impressive.

The box containing Frostmourne

The box containing Frostmourne

Beautiful wooden mount for the sword

Beautiful wooden mount for the sword

Frostmourne sword
Frostmourne - detail
Frostmourne - detail
Frostmourne - detail