Top Ten Tuesday - 6 Possibly Odd Things I've Done for the Love of Books

‘Top Ten Tuesday’, according to the host, That Artsy Reader Girl, “was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.” Head on over to That Artsy Reader Girl to find out how to join and to check out the topics that have already been decided.

Today’s topic is actually ‘Outrageous Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books’. I know I’ve done some odd things but don’t think I’ve ever strayed into the realms of outrageous… I’m boring like that. So, I’ve changed the title accordingly.

‘Reading vs real life’ meme

I don’t know what this says about me, but I’ve been ‘guilty’ of these ‘crimes’ as an adult, not as a child or a teen. Except for the first one – I did that frequently in my school-going years instead of studying or completing my homework on time.

Reading a novel which was snugly nestled in a school textbook. The best thing about big, thick school textbooks, they could be propped up sturdily on the table while hiding one’s novel of choice.

I’ve pretended I had another commitment just so I could finish a riveting book.

‘My schedule is booked’ meme

This I did recently – I only had a few pages left when the train I was on, very inconsiderately, arrived at its destination! So, I positioned myself against a handy pillar on the busy station concourse and finished the book before heading off.

I’ve read in the toilet at work so I wouldn’t be disturbed. And I’d ‘hide’ in the bathroom when my boys were little to grab some quality reading time.

‘Thankful for the bathroom, somewhere to read’ meme

I’m Asian, and one time I considered pretending I didn’t understand English before realising I was reading a book in English! Duh!

Back in the day, when I was into series that went beyond trilogies, I sometimes bunked off college to get through them.

‘Not ignoring, reading’ meme

This isn’t something I did but was afraid I would. When I had my first child, I stopped reading novels because I was genuinely worried I’d struggle to put the book down to see to him – “Just let me finish this chapter and I’ll be right with you”, kind of thing while he’d be bawling his little heart out. So, for the longest time, I didn’t commit to anything more than magazines.

I’m curious to read how you guys have interpreted this week’s topic.