Intermittent Service ...

I will still be posting every now and again, but it won’t be on a regular basis for the next … not sure how long.  Life with an alcoholic passive-aggressive is very draining, to say the least.  Some days, I can turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to his crapola; other days, like this weekend, I want to crawl under a rock and not come out till it’s all over.  With his incessant ‘take-take’ attitude and no ‘give’, my depleted ‘pot’ is in dire need of replenishing.  And to top it all, my eczema, which seems to be concentrated down my left side (?!), is driving me around the bend!  I’ve been told its most likely stress-related … yaay.  I know there’s light at the end of this particular tunnel; can’t seem to get to it fast enough.  Patience, grasshopper … patience is the key.  Okay, enough moaning.  Take care and stay safe, people xx