Book Review - 'Virus Mania' by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr.Claus Kohnlein MD, Dr.Samantha Bailey MD, Dr.Stefano Scoglio BSc PhD

‘Virus Mania’

‘Virus Mania’

The sub-heading is, ‘How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense’.

From Amazon’s product information:
… The population is terrified by reports of so-called COVID-19, measles, swine flu, SARS, BSE, AIDS or polio. However, the authors of ‘Virus Mania’… show that this fearmongering is unfounded, and that virus mayhem ignores basic scientific facts – the existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven. The book… will also outline how modern medicine uses dubious indirect lab tools claiming to prove the existence of viruses such as antibody tests and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The alleged viruses may, in fact, also be seen as particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs….
The authors analyse all real causes of the illnesses named COVID-19, avian flu, AIDS or Spanish flu, among them pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, pollution, malnutrition and stress.
To substantiate it, the authors cite dozens of highly renowned scientists, among them the Nobel laureates Kary Mullis, Barbara McClintock, Walter Gilbert and Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet… microbiologist and Pulitzer Prize winner René Dubos, and it presents more than 1,400 solid scientific references…
Drug makers and top scientists rake in enormous sums of money and the media boosts its audience ratings and circulations with sensationalised reporting… The enlightenment about the real causes and true necessities for prevention and cure of illnesses is falling by the wayside…

My awareness of this book, the first edition of which was published in 2007, began with a video that YouTube had suggested to me last April. I admit I didn’t click on it immediately as I initially thought it was going to be more MSM-style propaganda.

I guess I was meant to watch it because it remained on my home page, so eventually I did.

And that was my introduction to a delightful New Zealand doctor and research physician, Dr Samantha Bailey. The video, if anyone is interested, was ‘The Truth About Social Distancing’.

In September last year, she interviewed Dr Claus Köhnlein, specialist of internal medicine and the lead author of ‘Virus Mania’. About a week later, she was invited to join the team to work on an updated version of the book.

It took me awhile to get through this book as, understandably, it’s not an easy read and some of it can be heavy-going. The authors do not dumb things down. Having said that, while scientific language is used, explanations are clear and easy to follow.

In the ‘Foreword’ by Professor Etienne de Harven MD (pioneer in virology), he says “Corruption of research is a widespread phenomenon currently found in many major, supposedly contagious health problems, ranging from AIDS to Hepatitis C… BSE or ‘mad cow disease’, SARS, Avian flu and current vaccination practices…
… scientific research on viruses… [follows] the same systematic pathway… guarantees large financial returns. But how is it possible to achieve all of this? Simply by relying on the most powerful activator of human decision-making process, i.e. FEAR!

He notes that “research funding is restricted to projects supporting the dogma, excluding research into alternative hypotheses. An important tool to keep dissenting voices out of the debate is censorship at various levels…

And that censorship has certainly been hard at work in the current ‘pandemic’.

Corruption and fraud are shockingly rife “at all levels of the public health service…

In America, pharmaceutical companies “spend approximately a third of their expenses on marketing”, a sum that equals billions of dollars, and their advertising is targeted at “doctors, journalists, consumers and politicians.

So, it should come as no surprise that these companies wield an unhealthy amount of influence on institutions that should remain independent of any outside influence, and these include the World Health Organisation, the Food and Drug Administration and the US National Institutes of Health.

Which begs the question, who benefits the most? The individual or Big Pharma?

In the ‘Introduction’, the authors briefly explain how the understanding of the way in which diseases originate shifted from a complex, holistic idea to a monocausal one – each disease caused by one thing.

This began around the 16th century, during the Enlightenment, where specific chemical or physical phenomena were used to explain the workings of inventions and discoveries, for example the steam locomotive and gravitation.

From the middle of the 19th century, this approach of specificity was “transferred to the medical sciences” without anyone stopping to “consider if this… made sense”.

This approach was further influenced by microbiology, which asserted that “specific microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi) [caused] definite diseases…

The founders of microbe, or germ, theory, were Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, who were lauded as saviours. Over time, their findings were eventually shown to be incorrect.

But assigning a single cause to a disease ignores how complex the human body is; “bacteria, fungi and viruses” are not only “in the air, in our food”, they’re also “in our mucous membranes… [and] our intestines”.

Our intestinal flora is “teeming with bacteria… [and] is the body’s biggest and most important immune system”. It’s influenced by lots of factors, including “nutrition, stress, lack of activity, drug use…

I was already aware of the importance of bacteria in our lives, but it was fascinating to learn that, although bacteria can exist without humans, humans cannot live without bacteria.

Bacteria was already present billions of years ago before humans came on the scene.

The authors question how bacteria “whose life-purpose and task… has been to build up life are supposed to be the… primary or singular causes of disease and death.

They go on to explain how viruses eventually overtook bacteria as the ‘big bad’.

No stone is left unturned as they discuss smallpox, polio and the role of pesticides such as DDT; AIDS; Hepatitis C, alcohol and drug use; BSE; SARS; Avian Flu and the lack of proof; Cervical Cancer; the hoax of Swine Flu; and finally, COVID-19 and everything to do with it.

Every chapter detailed numerous jaw-dropping facts and I was left shaking my head in disbelief and growing anger as I read through to the end.

One of the things that shocked me, apart from the unbelievable creation of so-called viruses, was the insane levels of conflicts of interest.

I was already aware of such conflicts in the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), the committee that’s been advising the UK government since the start of COVID-19. For example, more than half of the key influencers on SAGE either work for or have received funding from organisations involved in the COVID-19 vaccine. (The link for this article isn’t from the book but one I’d come across late last year.)

In America, conflicts of interest are common at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This article, referenced in the book, is from a 2006 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) – “Members of drug advisory committees at the US Food and Drug Administration often have financial conflicts of interest and those conflicts affect voting patterns…

Here’s another article, also referenced in the book, which goes on to detail just how such financial conflicts of interest influence voting patterns for drugs – “… a prominent newspaper revealed that 2 advisory committee members for a meeting concerning the safety of troglitazone had significant ties to the sponsoring company. Another newspaper investigation found that at 92% of all FDA Drug Advisory Committee meetings between January 1, 1998, and June 30, 2000, at least 1 voting member had a conflict of interest. Thirty-three per-cent of the experts had a conflict at the 102 meetings dealing with a specific product. One meeting considering the cardiovascular toxicity of the diabetes drug muraglitazar failed to include a cardiologist due in part to a conflict of interest held by the committee’s sole cardiologist…

There is no doubt the authors have done their homework as all statements and facts are backed by hard evidence; the reference pages alone number 56.

Considering the experts who have been vilified for speaking against the narrative, some even receiving death threats, I am humbly grateful that the authors – brave and highly qualified experts – have spoken out to open our eyes to the lies and corruption of those in authority who we mistakenly believed had our best interests at heart.

Thanks to the knowledge gained from this book, I am now in a much better position to understand what could make me sick and what can help me heal.

For a good explanation of germ theory and terrain theory, I’d recommend watching Dr Sam’s recent video, ‘Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory’.


In fact, if you’re interested in getting well-researched explanations on medical matters, which arm you with vital knowledge many of us are sorely lacking, I’d recommend watching all her videos.

And definitely read this book.