'The Chronicles of Narnia' by C.S Lewis - Illustrations by Pauline Baynes

Pauline Baynes (Wikipedia)

As I mentioned last week, I’d forgotten to include a selection of Pauline Baynes’ delightful illustrations from the six books after ‘The Magician’s Nephew’.

An illustrator, author and commercial artist, Pauline Baynes lived from 1922 to 2008.

She was the first to illustrate JRR Tolkien’s minor works, including ‘The Hobbit’, and the slipcase for the hardback editions of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ published by Allen & Unwin in the mid-1960s.

This post is dedicated entirely to her art from the ‘Chronicles’; the images are photos I took from my copies of the books.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’:

The lamp post in Narnia

Peter, Susan and the Professor

The children return through the wardrobe

The Horse and His Boy’:

Bree the horse with Shasta kneeling next to his ‘father’


Prince Caspian’:

Map of Narnia and adjacent lands

The children back in Narnia

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’:

Map of the ocean beyond Narnia

Eustace, Lucy and Edmund pulled into Narnia

The Silver Chair’:

Eustace and Jill in Narnia

Eustace and Jill with Puddleglum

The Last Battle’:

Shift and Puzzle

Tirian, Jewel and Roonwit the centaur